Overcoming the blank page

Bolaji. B. Ayomide
2 min readNov 1, 2023


As creatives, we often encounter moments of dryness A.K.A “creative block”; where it seems like we lack new ideas to create content. In an actual sense, the ideas are there but the challenge lies in bringing them to life; this leads us to hesitate even to attempt.

I’ve experienced these moments of dryness many times and it often leads me to discontinue what I start before it even begins; this has led me to lack consistency in my past projects. However, I am gradually breaking free from it, reminding myself that the show must go on! “Better done than perfect”, ain’t that right?

It is okay to run out of ideas every once in a while, this isn’t a cue for you to discontinue that project you started. Sometimes a simple change in your approach can reignite your passion and ideas.

So yeah, this message is dedicated to those of us who occasionally struggle with the creative process; relax, take deep breaths, and repeat these affirmations;

· I may be experiencing “creative block” but it’s only temporary.

· I embrace the process as an opportunity to grow and improve my creativity.

· I trust in my ability to turn my imagination into reality.

· I tune out distractions and focus solely on my creative abilities.

· I am open to new experiences and ideas that fuel my creativity.

· I am in complete control of my creative process, and I make the most of it.

· I trust in my ability to draw inspiration from everyday life.

· I choose to stay true to my craft and remain consistent against all odds.

· My creativity knows no bounds, as I make meaningful and impactful content.

· I am constantly evolving as a creator, pushing boundaries and exploring new horizons.

I hope these affirmations unlock beautiful ideas in your minds and fuel your creative juices. Feel free to explore more affirmations like these on my Youtube channel

